Oct 27, 2011

Garageband Hints and Tips: when recording live keyboards to Garageband

Garageband Hints and Tips: when recording live keyboards to Garageband

when recording a live keyboard track into Garageband (ie, it is not a MIDI track) ARM a midi instrument track, so you get a "copy" of the notes you are recording in live! This will give you an exact duplicate that you can use in part of your song to add more interest to the song, or to do a cool delay effect, or to double up your track!

Give it a try!

Hope all you GB users are creating great music!
posted by jaggerdiggydog

Garageband Hints and Tips: Using chorus in Garageband

Garageband Hints and Tips: Using chorus in Garageband

here's a quick tip...
usually when you use chorus, the effect is very pronounced...
try setting the "intensity" in settings pop-up to a very low level...
this thickens up the sound without having a chorusy effect...

Hope all you GB users are creating great music!
posted by jaggerdiggydog